Monday 28 November 2011

The Spiritual World


We are fortunate to live in the most modern, civilized era of human society, with advanced and sophisticated facilities that have never been seen before in the history of the world, and day by day, mankind advances quickly and dynamically in the development of civilization, science and technology. The civilization and progress of mankind have been developed almost incessantly over recent years, people are more and more proud of their talent, of the advancement of their science and technology; but next to the successes of civilization, science and technology, mankind has continuously been facing disasters, tragedies coming from nature and also from human, even from what humans are proud of and feel complacent about, namely civilization, science and technology.

Science and technology, atomic physics, etc can help human developing civilization and progress, but on the other hand, they could also harm human; materials are only the means, technology is also a means only, if human beings use those means of science and technology for good purposes then mankind shall enjoy plenty of benefits, but if they are for evil purposes, the consequences will be disastrous and sorrowful such as tragic plights which had taken place in the past: terror, war, death, hatred, etc and any catastrophe could happen any time, at any place, to anyone, at present and in future.

To avoid disaster, catastrophe, tragic situation, war, hatred, dispute, slaughter, envy, etc, mankind cannot just try to develop materialistic civilization, the progresses of science and technology, the essential needs for humans, but mankind also needs paying attention to, studying, learning, looking after and developing Spirituality, always giving one’s mind to metaphysical universal energy which never stops controlling human thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Not looking after and develop Spirituality, heart and mind, spirit, we cannot have good things such as compassion, peace, mercy, goodwill, enlightenment, wisdom, etc, things that any individual, any country, any people, any society, any era cannot do without. To solve conflicts, hatred on national level, on international level, or dispute, resentment, envy, suspicion, etc on family level, on society level and to clear away distress, bad mood, misery of individual, we must look after and develop our Spirituality.

We study and learn Spirituality in an era of modern civilization, science and technology; therefore we must study it with modern and civilized knowledge, means and methods, not by vague knowledge, ignorant mental power full of delusion, imaginary and superstition. Spirituality has metaphysical and mysterious nature but we should not confuse the meanings of metaphysics and mystery with vague, ignorant and naïve knowledge, mental power; we do not assimilate natural phenomena such as rain, sunshine, storm, lightning, earthquake, tsunami, volcano, etc, with actions of Deities, Devils; We study Spirituality seriously, earnestly, with wisdom and enlightenment in order to bring about practical benefits to ourselves, our family, our society, our country and to mankind.

The Spiritual World is an invisible world comprising bodies that humans cannot see with their naked eyes, there are bodies even the most advanced scientific instruments cannot observe, some bodies that science can only see their traces for the first time but still they have not come into view clearly. There are bodies that science, due to various reasons, still has not seen them but does recognize their existence, their presence, the so called “super material particles” and “immaterial particles”; Generally we can call them invisible bodies, the bodies that we know definitely they exist but we cannot see them, or we have not been able to comprehend them yet.

There are many different Spiritual worlds, different frequencies, different energies, different electrical energies, different electrical volumes, different magnetism, different amplitudes, different intensities, etc, therefore in the same tangible space, we have many invisible multi-facial, multi-dimensional spiritual worlds, many overlapped spaces, many other distinct spaces, many piled up spaces, diagonally woven spaces, many distinctly separated spaces. In each Spiritual world, there are different Spiritual forces, different characters, different abilities, different potentialities and different potentials. We generally call good forces Deities, evil forces Devils, two opposite, confronting forces, Deities and Devils, good and evil, auspicious or calamitous, good and bad, possibly in different spaces, or in the same space, same invisible spiritual world.

In the same invisible space, same spiritual world, it is possible to have two forces with many differences, conflicts, confrontation, namely Deities and Devils; but both Deities and Devils themselves have different ranks, different abilities, different personalities, different roles, different responsibilities, and different jobs. Although they have many differences, different characters, duties but Deities must have abilities and duties to stay together with Devils.

In fact, it is not true that Deities and Devils always confront, make war, dispute or try to eliminate each other; there are times when Deities and Devils must live together, sometimes they even have to cooperate closely with each other. In principle, Deities need to stay close to Devils always so they can deal with or confront the devils timely when they harass, abuse people, or to help, educate the Devils when necessary; similarly, a Teacher must have space, time and conditions to live together with Students, not separately.

It is not true that Deities live high up above and Devils stay down below; it is not true that Deities live in Heaven while Devils are in Hell as the conception of worldly people; in reality, there is no such place anywhere called Heaven reserved for Deities, the same is true that there is no such place anywhere for Devils only; Heaven and Hell are only the products of human imagination.

The reason behind it is if Teacher should live separately from Students, not in the same space with Students, no opportunity to meet Students, so how the Teacher can learn about them, how to educate them, how to win over Students, how to complete the responsibilities of a teacher. The same is true for Deities, if They stay up high above, in a secure and safe place, a place where there is no Devil’s disturbance, harassment then Deities would have nothing to do; no work, no responsibility, consequently Deities would have no title, no position, no name.

Deities cannot sit idle, leisurely, enjoying life, enjoying blessings, enjoying godsend presents, or to be worshipped, kowtowed; it is unacceptable to let people offering cakes, flowers, incense, candles, etc everyday without doing anything in return at all. Such unjust and absurd thing cannot exist in any world, any society, let alone in the world of Deities. Once called Deities World, it compels to have justice and fairness, things must be conformable to reason and sentiment, etc. It is impossible for Deities to sit idle and enjoy everything, even earthy people cannot enjoy such privileges, let alone Deities; Deities must work much more, hundreds and thousands times more than earthy people to be called Deities, they cannot stay idle and do nothing.

To be deified means to do some work, to shoulder the responsibility, not to play around, not only Deities have to work but also to shoulder difficult duties. The higher the Deities, the heavier the work, the more work they will have to do. Being Deities are not a reward but those titles are bestowed to do some work, no work no title. The greater the Deity Title is, and the greater the Deity position is, the more important and the greater the responsibility will be. The most important job, the principal job of Deities is “to uphold the Faith and help the World”, very difficult works, strenuous works, not easy, not simple at all, there are extremely difficult works, there are exceptionally strenuous works, even really dangerous ones, those are the works of mastering, of saving or eliminating devils and ogres. 

Devils, Ogres are again divided into different kinds, different natures, different abilities, different actions, different damaging effects; therefore to eliminate, to educate a certain kind of Devils, appropriate, suitable Deities are required, like students like teacher, Therefore, although Deities and Devils can live in the same metaphysical and spiritual space, but there exists different borders, different boundaries, different natures, different abilities, dissimilarities.

Although Teacher can stay in the same room with students, but the teacher must have much more knowledge, understanding, abilities and morality than those of students so that the teacher can reign in, educate and guide students. It is the same for Deities, although Deities and Devils can live in the same metaphysical and spiritual space, but Deities must definitely have much better mental faculties, morality, spirituality, etc than those of Devils so that Deities can dominate Devils. Many types of Devils possess very powerful abilities, to control them Deities must have much better abilities. The Story of Journey to the West with the famous ghost exterminator, Sun Wukong (The Monkey King) has given us interesting examples; every time confronting a ferocious ogre with superior shamanism that Sun Wukong cannot defeat, he calls upon Guan Yin or Buddha for help.

Many scientists do not accept the notion of God; they only believe in the existence of visible materials not in the existence of the invisible world, they do not believe in invisible abilities. They keep searching for the universe, space by materialistic facilities of science, technology and the result is they could only find visible materials, they can not find spirituality, therefore they do not believe in Deities or God. When studying Spirituality, we do not argue with, we also do not have to prove, to confirm anything, we can only present our conception on spirituality, present our own feelings on Spirituality, our own metaphysical thoughts in order to share spiritual benefits with other people, with anyone who are fortunate to have spiritual abilities, with anyone who believes in spiritual authority, God, Buddha, Deities.

We do not have to argue or to prove any spiritual or metaphysical matters with anybody, because each person has his/her own way of thinking, each person has different metaphysical and spiritual feelings, because each person has different frequency energy, and the most important thing is each person belongs to a different metaphysical and spiritual world although we live together in a visible materialistic space. Since not having the same metaphysical and spiritual electric current, the same metaphysical and spiritual frequency band, we should not discuss matters which are very delicate, sublime, mysterious and wonderful: metaphysical and spiritual matters. This is a completely new presentation on the aspect of metaphysics and spirituality, previously we only said that each person has a different spirituality, meaning one or many Deities support each person, but we did not mention the differences in spirituality of these supporting Deities.

Two persons having supporting Deities who belong to two different spiritual worlds, will naturally and essentially have completely different abilities, characters, thoughts, feelings, etc; if we recognize this with wisdom and enlightenment, we would be able to understand other people, we would be able to accept disagreements, different thoughts, different viewpoints, different conceptions, etc of other people, we can then avoid dictatorship, authoritarian, etc, we can avoid normal mistakes made by worldly people, that is to impose one’s ideas on other people, they just want other people must listen to them always.

To oppress, to pressure other people listening to our wishes, our thought, our powers, our rights is to take away the absolute private freedom of thought, of thinking that God has given to mankind, it is anti-God, anti religion, paradox, committing sins against God, Buddha, Deities; the sacred spiritual powers do not allow anyone to possess these powers of oppression, of pressure. Only when we have fundamental abilities to follow the spiritual path, to be awaken to the truth, only when we have taken great pains in leading a religious life in order to reap rewards, to attain some level of Wisdom, Enlightenment, we will have a number of sacred duties given by High Divine Beings, the duties of contributing ideas, explanation on the matters of spirituality.

 When we have enough essential spiritual abilities, when God has entrusted us a certain spiritual duty, and if we have in addition, opportunities, spiritual karma, then we will be able to present our thoughts, ideas, conception, knowledge and enlightenment to other people. Although we have got all the necessary material and spiritual conditions so that we can present our ideas, but listening to them or not is still the right of other people, accept our ideas or not is the free choice of other people, we have absolutely no power to force them listening to our words. Those are the important points of the word freedom, the meaning of freedom, the power of spiritual freedom, the wisdom and enlightenment of each person on earth.

If we know the strong binding of spirituality that a person must obey his/her Deities, we will no longer suffer, anger, dissatisfy when other people, even our close relatives such as our father, son, husband, wife, would not listen to us, because they even cannot master themselves, how can they listen to us. In reality, we usually remain passive in the areas of thought, conception, action, etc not active as we usually think; we are always controlled by metaphysical spiritual forces; normally we do not know or cannot resist the will of spiritual Deities inside or even outside ourselves.

We have the same word for God, Deity, but depending on the level of fundamental abilities, our situation, the living environment of each person, we have different consciousness, different notions, different meanings; a commoner with little knowledge could imagine God having the same figure as man but with full powers, more than any single person on earth, controlling, managing everything in Heaven as well as on earth. Although this conception is not true, but it is not far from the truth and especially it does no harm to anyone, on the contrary, in many cases, it could bring benefits to human, to individual, family, society, country, etc; therefore in many cases we should not contradict or argue against this simple, normal and popular conception.

In many situations, we can agree with this inaccurate notion because it could bring benefits to a lot of people; many people can only do good things, virtuous deeds, not bad things, evil things because they think there is a God up in the sky, surrounded by Deities, always keeping a close watch on all their behaviors, thoughts, feelings to keep record and to reward or punish them. In fact, in societies, countries, areas where religions, creeds have this simple, popular conception of God rewarding and punishing people, decent people prefer to do virtuous deeds. Although ordinary individual benefits are the motives for them to be honest, they are not really virtuous, proper and profound motives, but their good results deserve our acceptance, worthy to be our desires: decent people, happy family, peaceful society, fine country, people living in peace.

If we really do want to learn, to study Spirituality profoundly, we can look for the essence of spiritual forces, which are called God, Deities or Devils; they are the metaphysical, spiritual forces having the same essence, namely “Universal Energy”. Universal Energy is the main essence of everything, visible as well as invisible, material as well as spiritual, inside or outside of the universe, inside or outside of this world, but Universal Energy has many different forms, different natures, many dissimilarities, therefore Universal Energy can form different material bodies, different visible material bodies, different invisible bodies, different Deities, different Devils.

Scientifically, the nature of God is also Universal Energy, the Source Energy as well as the Combined Energy of the Universe, that is the energy of visible and invisible bodies, inside and outside of the universe, of all spaces and time; but God is more than that, God is not only the essence but also particular and special natures such as knowledge, mental power, abilities and powers, generation and extermination, regeneration and re-extermination, etc

Therefore, God is and also is not any certain person, not any certain object, or in other words, God is every object, everything, everyone, every place, every form, every state, etc God is not something unique, and everything is a part of God. God can create anything, and God can exterminate any object. Therefore, we do not have to look for or to argue about God, God is right in front of us, and God is also in the heart of every person.

God always exists in every blood vessel of our body, in every breath of us all, in every cell, in every nerve cell of any person, in every thought, in every emotion of each person, therefore Master Dang used to say:” We can mislead anyone, we can deceive someone anything, but we absolutely cannot deceive God, cannot cheat God anything, there is nothing God does not understand, nothing God does not know thoroughly. God not only knows the thoughts formed in our mind, but God also knows the thoughts that have not been formed in our mind; God not only knows the feelings we have in our heart, but God also knows the feelings we have not even developed in our heart, so we have no chance of deceiving God at all”.

God needs no one to accept Him, God is not afraid to be denied by anyone, God is not any person but we can personify God in order to understand and visualize Him easily as we have personify the Moon, the Sun, the Stars, etc in such characters like Mister Sun, Mister Moon, Phoebe, Mister Deity, etc. We can paint, freely and to our heart’s content, the pictures of Deities according to our thinking for worshipping, although in reality, Deities never have any form at all. The image used as symbol for Oriental Taoism, is a circle dividing equally into a black part and a white part, each part also contains a dot of opposite color which bears numerous meanings representing God’s natures; the present Logo of H.U.E also symbolizes God’s natures and specific characteristics

God can create everything and God can also destroys all, it is not essential that God will only create good things, not certain that God will only exterminate evil things, God is almost like a writer, a poet, an artist, God can make anything and God can also eradicate anything, God is always and incessantly creative. Just in the history of the earth, God has created numerous living creatures; God also destroys many living things. Creatures such as dinosaurs, 100 million years ago, were plentiful on this earth, but at present, not a single dinosaur, big or small, lives any where on the earth.

In the past, God had exterminated all dinosaurs, in the future, God could annihilate any species He wants to, including human beings, but no one knows why! Human talents are God’s creation and are nothing compared to God’s abilities; therefore anybody with a bit of talent, but is utterly arrogant and has no respect for God, that person is deadly wrong; When God desires, it takes only a fleeting second for the earth with all the creatures, vegetation, trees, flowers, mountains, rivers, human beings, etc, returning to its original state, a small ball of fire drifting and bobbing in the infinite space.

In the history of the earth, in particular, God has created numerous living creatures, God also has destroyed many living things, including human beings; in the past, many human races had been eradicated, in the future, more would be wiped out; when and what God wants to eliminate, nothing could exist. Do not think that if human beings are so civilized they can not be eliminated, one also should not think that human can use their talents to fight against God; God creates human, not human creates God. In fact, any human talent is also God’s product; without God, human has no talent, no mental faculties at all; even our own bodies we cannot have, let alone talent, intellectual faculties! Science, technology that humans are very proud of, are really thus the products of Spirituality, without the guidance of Spirituality, human cannot have any single invention, innovation at all; initiatives, inventions are not the products of the brain but of Spirituality, the spiritual gifts from God to humans.

Students could become better and better everyday, better students require better teachers; in order to continue teaching those students, the teachers also have to learn more, to practice more and to improve their talents, their abilities, to be more talented, more advanced, more exalted day by day. Devils could be more talented too, more abusing, their abilities could be more advanced everyday; therefore, in order to control, to dominate them, Deities must also cultivate themselves constantly, train and learn the powers and abilities from God, from High Divine Beings, Gods.

The notion of many Gods is a rather new one on Spirituality, the old notion of Spirituality only knows one unique God, but according to the new spiritual conception, there are many different Gods, not just one unique God; it is quite easy to understand because we have many different spiritual worlds, hence we have many different Gods. Each spiritual world has its own governing God. God of this spiritual world cannot govern other spiritual world; if for certain Devils there are suitable Deities then for certain Deities there are appropriate Gods, God of this spiritual space cannot direct Deities of other spiritual space.

When teachers have studied more, obtained better abilities, the teachers could be promoted, appointed to new positions, new offices, entrusted with new duties, given new ranking. The same is true for Deities, when Deities have cultivated meticulously, obtained better talents, higher spiritual abilities, they will be promoted, sent to other spiritual spaces, given other roles, other duties. On the other hand, Deities should have no desire and cannot ask forcibly for thing inappropriate to their ranking, their roles, their duties, their space, their positions, if not, Deities could be in danger, could fall into situations that worldly people called “Tau Hoa Nhap Ma” (out went the life force, in came the devil), They could loose all their abilities, could be sent down to earth, suffering, depressing, etc.

Once loosing all their abilities, Deities would no longer be Deities, even if they have erred lightly, they would be demoted, and moved to other positions, other roles, other duties, other spaces, other worlds. Deities could return to earth as human to learn the lessons of spiritual evolution for an unknown period of time, for a lifetime or many life times. On the contrary, Devils could change from bad to good and would no longer be Devils, the time for transforming from bad to good is different for each Devil, the level of transformation is also different; at a certain level of transformation, Devils could become human or at a higher level, Devils could become Deities.

The nature, roles, duties, actions of Deities and Devils are not permanent but could change and always change; an angel is not essentially always an angel, a devil is not necessarily always a devil. Good bad, right wrong also do not have absolute values, thus relative ones; therefore we should not readily criticize a person or a matter. Those are completely new concepts of Spirituality to a lot of people, the concepts of relative value of things, to accept or not to accept those new spiritual concepts that are not important, but their true nature and utilization are important, their benefits are important.

The spiritual fight between two opposite forces - Deities and Devils – occurs regularly and continuously, not stopping for even a second, this is a never-ending fight, the permanent, unending fight between two forces, good and bad, kind and cruel, black and white, night and day, hot and cold, that we have summarized in the theory of “Dualism”. Nothing is unique in both visible and invisible worlds, physical and spiritual worlds; therefore we cannot dream of a world in peace and full of happiness, there is no such place called Heaven anywhere, no place where everyone is happy, everyone is decent, no place called Fairy Land, Fairy World where only angels exist, no devils, no ghosts. There is absolutely no such world anywhere at all, in visible or invisible spaces, in physical and spiritual worlds and especially deep in the heart of each of us.

In fact, every minute, every second, in our heart of hearts, a fight for survival between Good and Bad always occurs, the tragedy of mankind is that no winner or looser will emerge from this fight, self cultivation is a reinforcement for Good winning over Bad, for Angels against Devils. The Angels of innermost feelings are Wisdom, Enlightenment, Compassion, Kindness, etc. The Devils within ourselves are Stupidity, Prejudice, Hatred, Jealousy, Superstition, etc, that is all, no other meaning; we need only doing just that, we would reach the peak of the Way, we would attain enlightenment, we would not have to do anything else.

In reality, in any place, we always have concurrently two different forces that we have personified and called them Angels and Devils, two opposite forces, good and bad, influence us, control us; it is not only true for human beings but also for heaven and earth, for all creatures, vegetation, trees, mountains, rivers, humans, animals, visible and invisible. Due to those very causes that our ancestors had studied and set up mystic sciences such as Meteorology, Astrology, Feng Shui; Astrology determines a certain day is good or bad, Feng Shui decides a certain area is auspicious or not. Although those mystic sciences had been established many thousands years ago, but until now they still have not found the way to overcome an impasse: how to neutralize the bad luck have Astrology or Feng Shui and how to eliminate Devils, Ghosts?

H.U.E. is a branch of Spiritual Studies, not only to learn, to study the abilities of Spirituality, but the important thing is H.U.E. also has the essential part of implementing and practicing those spiritual abilities to eliminate the bad things of Astrology, Feng Shui, Devils, Ghosts. It is not true that a certain day is good, other one is bad, a certain place is auspicious, other one is inauspicious, a certain place has Deities, other has Devils; good or bad, lucky or unlucky, etc, they are all due to spiritual energy, not due to the day, hour or place, not owing to the time or space; therefore we should not depend on them, as long as we continue to rely on the factors of Feng Shui, Geomancy, land, age, day and time, we are still very “superstitious”.

H.U.E. students have the abilities to utilize spiritual energies in order to neutralize bad things, to create good things; concretely, to H.U.E. students, no day is a bad day, no hour is a bad hour, no number is a bad number, no place is a bad place, etc. Another concrete thing is H.U.E. students can transfer energy to a place considered as dark, unlucky, devilish, etc and transforming it into a clean, pure and good place. H.U.E. students can send energy to a person possessed by demons just turning a crazy and sick person into a normal one or a clear-sight one.

H.U.E. recognizes the existence of Devils on earth, they are the souls of dead people but due to some reasons, they can not be saved and are still attached to the world, and still hang around somewhere on earth, if doing no harm to any body they are called Ghosts, if causing harm to humans, they are called Devils, people call them in general, Ghosts and Devils; if they have high abilities and do evil deeds, they are called Demons. Normally, ghosts have no intention to harm anyone but in a number of cases, Ghosts could harm people inadvertently, in some cases, Ghosts infiltrate human bodies just making those people sick, stupid, naïve, crazy, etc that H.U.E. uses the term: “false mental illness”.

A ghost can enter a certain human body but can not infiltrate other human body, commoners call a body that ghost can infiltrate easily, a poor-spirited person, as far as Spirituality concerns, this is quite accurate; ghost can only gain access to people with weak spirits. Ghosts cannot penetrate people with strong spirits, strong here means having enough energy; people who had their Chakras opened 100% would have received enough energy from Master Dang and will not be infiltrated by Ghosts. H.U.E. students of classes 7 and 7 Special not only can prevent Ghosts from infiltrating their bodies but they can also make Ghosts vanished automatically when meeting them or Ghosts can lean on the spiritual energy of these students to be free from rebirth and by doing that, the students will receive blessings, the religious term, Master Dang used to say is “doing good deeds’, spiritually.

Thus with the wonderful effects of spiritual energy, Advanced H.U.E. students have the spiritual abilities equivalent to those of a Master of Spirituality, they have the spiritual abilities of a Master of Astrology, Physiognomy, Destiny, Feng Shui, Geomancy, Medicine, etc. Speaking broadly, all the branches of Studies in the area of Spirituality, in fact, all the branches of human studies, or even of pure sciences and technology, Mathematics, Space, etc are somewhat controlled by some factors of metaphysical Spirituality. All the people who are called “Genius” or “Thiên tài” (talents from Heaven) manifested themselves their characteristics of Spirituality, the meaning of “genius” is the talents of Deities, Fairies, not the talents of human beings, none of the purely physical brains can be “genius”.

Today, humans have made great progress and been civilized and in fact too progressed and too civilized, but the road of progress and civilization are still very long and very far, endless and limitless; with the advancement of today science and technology, human beings startled to discover that behind visible matters, there are invisible matters, and the strength as well as the intelligence of invisible matters, meaning the spiritual energies, are the real owners of all forms of visible matters, including human, including us, including our nerve, cells, blood, brain, including the thing that we are obviously proud of: human intelligence.

Without spiritual energies, there will be no nerve, no cells, no blood, no body, no brain, also no intelligence. The thing humans are proud best, intelligence, is also created and controlled by metaphysical spiritual energies that H.U.E. calls “the Cell Souls”; the brain, intelligence do not bring into being the soul but the soul creates human brain, human intelligence; thing we call “Human Latent Abilities” is the very soul of human being, the cell soul, the nerve soul; learning, developing “Human Latent Abilities” is learning the abilities of spirituality, the abilities of the soul.

It takes only a small deviation of the brain electrical current, a blocked local electro-encephalic current, a disorder of electro-encephalic cycle to damage human brain, to make the brain useless, or even worse, turning a normal person into a lunatic one; in those cases, science offers no solution, has no way to treat them; but as for H.U.E., it only requires sending a metaphysical spiritual current in a fleeting moment to heal them, that is a practical and useful metaphysical spiritual ability for human life and human health.

Spirituality not only has effects on human brain but also on every part of human body, on any organ, heart, liver, kidney, lungs, etc, all of them are controlled by and received guidance, information, contacts, activities from metaphysical spiritual energies. Without the information, the continuous, entangled, fine, sophisticated, marvelous, invisible and spiritual communications of the metaphysical spiritual forces within our own body, the total body will stop functioning immediately, that is to say without the presence of metaphysical spiritual forces, it will take only a fleeting second for us to loose our life; that means we cannot live if we do not have spirituality, if we do not have soul.

Any local part in disarray, it is sick, and later on, it will make other related parts sick as well; because all the organs, all the parts of the body must combine and strongly attach to each other to make the body healthy. Sickness and diseases have various causes, but if they are the result of spiritual disorders at a certain organ, H.U.E. can transfers spiritual energy to correct those spiritual disorders, making the ailing organs healthy and functioning normally, that is the principle of healing by spiritual energy of H.U.E., that is the reason why H.U.E. needs no medicine, no medical theories at all but still can heal many sicknesses and diseases miraculously.

Any spiritual disorder will lead to sickness, diseases; minor disorder leads to minor illness, serious disorder resulted in serious sickness; therefore one of the methods of preventing and healing sickness and diseases is to look after one’s spirituality; the more thorough we care for our spirituality, the more chance we have to prevent or to fight against sickness and diseases. Even in the cases where sickness and diseases are caused by certain material or physical reasons, the care or utilization of spiritual energies could heal those sickness and diseases, because spirituality do really have enormously great abilities.

We could call them the abilities of Spirituality and also could call them God, or the Creator, or Heaven Above, in some cases, scientists use the name “stem cell” which can create all other cells, internal organs: heart, liver, kidney, lungs, etc of human body. Science knows the abilities, the roles of “stem cells” which can create other cells, other organs in human body but it does not know why stem cells can have those marvelous abilities. The answer is simple, they are the very invisible energies of Spirituality, the abilities of God which can “adjust everything: create or change”, that is the abilities to heal any disease, irrespective of sickness type.

If invisible knowledge, invisible abilities produce good things, beautiful things, we personify them into invisible characters called Deities, Angels; If invisible knowledge, invisible abilities produce bad things, ugly things, we personify them into invisible characters called Devils; Demons. Thus both Deities and Devils are invisible knowledge and abilities, they are only different in characteristics, good or bad, clever or idiot, beneficial of harmful. The problem is how we can have this knowledge but not that knowledge, how we can have this ability but not that ability, how we can have good things but not bad things, how we can have beneficial ones but not harmful ones.

In reality, we always have to live together with thousands and thousands of different energies, we are always controlled by thousands and thousands of different visible and invisible abilities, good as well as bad, interesting as well as uninteresting; in fact, no physical environment can only have homogenously one kind of spiritual energy. In other words, Angels and Devils are always present in each person, every minute, every second, every day, every hour; to live is to accept the unending fight between two different spiritual forces, Good and Bad, in our heart; if the Angels win, we will have mercy, compassion, altruism, wisdom, enlightenment,…if the Devils win we will be controlled by hatred, jealousy, narrow-mind, carelessness, indifference.

The tragedy of mankind is in this fight between Good and Evil there is no winner or looser; following a religious path is a road full of hardship for people who want to find the Good, but they must always fight the Evil and must never stop fighting. Even if we stop fighting for just one minute, we would loose the fight. Real-life experiences show that many people have lost. Human morality does not demand that we must not loose this fight between Good and Evil, but it asks us even if we had lost this fight between Good and Evil; we must still continue to throw ourselves in other fight between Good and Evil; doing that we have already lead a moral life; if we do not continue to throw ourselves in other fight against Evil, which is never far from us, always lying in wait in our heart, always waiting to rise up, we would be considered immoral..

In fact, Morality does not demand us to win every fight against Evil outside as well as inside ourselves, too many Evils to fight, in reality; human generally does not have the abilities to win them all. Morality does not ask us to be perfect, nobody can be perfect, it is extremely difficult to be; morality only demands us to make a great effort throwing ourselves in the fight against Evil, Cruelty, anywhere, anytime, but top priority must be given to the fight against Evil, Cruelty in our own heart.

To throw ourselves in the fight against Evil, Cruelty is leading a moral life, is following a spiritual path, the more we fight against Evil, Cruelty, the better we cultivate ourselves, the more we exert ourselves, the more sense of morality we will have; in reality, we can only expect that each person will have some sense of morality, God also never demands a lot of things from human, therefore who ever requires numerous things from us in the name of morality, of cultivation, that person would not be God’s representative. God only asks each of us a bit of self-cultivation, a bit of morality, a bit of decency, a bit of mercy, therefore everyday, every hour, we need only trying to fight against Evil, Cruelty, against Devils in our heart, we should not let them to rise up, to harass, to cause misfortune, to harm ourselves and other people.

Every day, every hour, we need to listen uninterruptedly to the saintly, noble teachings of Gods, of Sublime High Divine Beings, so that we can develop wonderful things for human beings: Wisdom, Enlightenment for ourselves, Love, Mercy and Compassion for other people. Every day, every hour, we make a great effort to practice, to implement the spiritual lessons of the Spiritual Beings who are always there supporting us, teaching us; If we can just do those things, our family would be more happy, our society would be much better, our world would be more peaceful, mankind would be more progressive, more evolutionary, more civilized, more prosperous and much better overall.

Not learning, not implementing the spiritual lessons of the High Divine Beings, humans, regardless of their talents, regardless of their abilities, regardless of their advanced levels of civilization, science, technology and progress, must always confront countless numbers of tragedies, of disasters, threatening and lying in wait. Tragedies and disasters of the universe, of nature can destroy part or all of what we can possibly credited to human effort; no talents, no abilities of human beings can compare with those of the High Divine Beings. Spirituality has the ability to create all materials, human, the world… Spirituality also has the ability to eliminate, to exterminate all: the earth, materials, human; If God likes, God can create any physical body, any material; if God does not want any thing, any physical body, any material, and God can exterminate them all.

Thai Tan Truyen 

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