Wednesday 30 November 2011

UE and Happiness


U.E.H., to many people, is a branch of healing medicine, saving people by Universal Energy as shown in its name; actually H.U.E. is a brand new, multiple abilities, multiform and great branch of studies; H.U.E. comprises numerous areas of studies, many objects, aims and lots of benefits for different people, for different societies, nature, especially in the areas of philosophy, psychology, spirituality; concretely, amongst the objectives that H.U.E. studies, learns, implements and practices, is one of the matter human always longs for and dreams of: happiness. Human happiness comes in many different kinds, different forms and different levels: individual happiness, family happiness, emotional happiness, intellectual happiness, materialistic happiness, health happiness, etc.

There are different kinds of happiness, but they all are the things human beings, no matter who they are, rich, poor, noble, humble, good, bad, talented, terrible, etc, always want and dream to have; unfortunately, in reality, not many people can find happiness and when they can, happiness is easily shattered or disappeared. In other words, happiness is an essential need, usually and constantly sought by everybody, but it very difficult to find and really hard to have happiness, regardless of what kind of happiness.

The characteristics of happiness are ephemeral, fragile, relative, etc. Most of the students came to H.U.E. hoping to have their sickness, diseases cured, but happiness is a great gift and almost an unexpected gift for every Student; from elementary level students, to advanced level students, in any level classes, students also receive one or many precious gifts of Happiness from H.U.E...

The first and foremost, the most important benefit of H.U.E. is health, even only at the beginning, in basic UE classes and just had their Chakras opened 100 %, H.U.E Students also have gained basic factors of human health, which are collectively called Bio-Energy and scientifically named Universal Energy, and in spiritual circle, we call it Spiritual Energy or Metaphysical Energy.

What the name is depending on the consciousness, on the conception, on the viewpoint, on the fundamental abilities, on the level of each person; what name is not important, only its essence, its nature and its benefits are important. This is one of the basic points of H.U.E., Advanced H.U.E. students are the ones rising above the notional boundaries on materials, languages, terms, etc; universal energy is the energy of every material, spiritual energy is the energy of every metaphysical thing. When Master Dang has opened our Chakras 100%, we are given energies, universal energy and spiritual energy that are we have got everything.

Having basic energies of health also means we have got extremely important factors of human happiness; it is difficult to have happiness if one does not have good health, if one is sick, bed-ridden; it is awfully miserable if one has diseases no medicine can cure, or diseases without any method of treatment. Sick people usually feel miserable because of their poor health, of their diseases; but it is not essential that who is ever sick would suffers, a sick person still would not suffer, a sick person still leads a happy and joyful life; but on the contrary, people with healthy bodies, having no sickness, disease, still can live a sorrowful and miserable life, still can lead a joyless and unhappy life, unfortunately those people represent the majority of us, of our families, our societies, etc.

Normally, once being sick, having diseases, we need doctors, medicines, not just one but both of them, we need both doctors and medicines; doctors must be capable, medicines must be right and proper, doctors are obliged to make correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate medicines; medicines must have the correct quality, correct dosage, correct formula, available at the right time, etc. It only takes a certain mistake in any one of those things, we will not be cured; certain mistakes, mistakes in making a diagnosis, mistakes in prescription, mistakes in medicines, etc, can bring grave consequences to human health.

H.U.E. recognizes and thinks highly of the necessary roles of doctors, medicines, has a high opinion of modern medical facilities, etc; but we also know clearly that in actual fact, the majority of mankind does not have the services of doctors, does not have facilities, medicines for sickness and diseases treatment. In other words, the majority of mankind does not enjoy the total health care, although, in reality, science has made great progress, mankind is more civilized, most of human beings still suffers because of sickness, diseases, just mankind still has not enjoyed happiness in the area of health.

With the actual situation of mankind health at present, not thousands and thousands but millions and millions of people are in needs of health care, day and night, therefore any contributions to improve mankind health are beneficial and necessary, are worthy of our encouragement, applause and reception  The contributions of H.U.E. to the improvement of human health, more or less, are all beneficial and necessary, if they are not beneficial for some people then would be for others, if they are not necessary for some people then would be for others; improving human health means lending a hand in building mankind happiness.

H.U.E. has proofs and experiences on these contributions. Especially in the cases of people with difficult-to-cure diseases, which none of the ordinary methods of treatment can cure; finding out to have difficult-to-cure diseases makes a person really miserable, being healed of diseases which have no ways of curing would make a person extremely happy, not only for oneself but, usually, also for his/her family, parents, partner, children, brothers and sisters, friends, etc.

Concretely, people, who have suffered mental illness for a long time, are heavy burdens for their families, society, and country. It is natural for an individual to suffer severely, but their relatives, friends, families also suffer because of them, their society, country have to support them, look after them. In fact, the medical facilities, although at present very modern, seldom can cure mental illnesses and almost powerless over false mental illnesses that means the diseases which are not really caused by the disorders, damages of the brain cells, nerve cells, or serious crises of psychology. Strange but realistic, H.U.E. has helped curing successfully many mental illnesses, particularly effective and speedily effective for the diseases H.U.E. calls “false mental illnesses”,  the diseases with mysterious causes in the area of metaphysical spirituality.

H.U.E. Students have a lot of experiences on the treatment of those “false mental illnesses”; the time of treatment is very short, 5 minutes for elementary level students, 1 minute for advanced level students, just a fleeting moment, like a miracle. H.U.E. can help patients of “false mental illnesses” to recover completely, return to their normal lives without any sign of sickness, diseases. As for Master Dang, it is even more miraculous, a patient of “false mental illness” only needs to meet Master Dang, the illness will automatically disappear, and the patient will be cured immediately, without using any medicines for treatment at all.

Not only the patients, who are cured, feel happy but also their families, their relatives, their friends are happy, their country, society have a heavy burden lifted; not only the patients are no longer a burden for families, societies, countries, they, once their health returns, could also become useful persons for many other people. This is an example, a concrete, realistic and remarkable contribution of H.U.E. in treating sickness, diseases, in looking after, protecting human health; it takes only the ability for effective treatment of diseases such as “false mental illnesses” to show the values and benefits of H.U.E., worthy for us to learn, study H.U.E., so that we can save people, help life, to accumulate merits, to cultivate ourselves, etc.

It should be noted that “false mental illnesses” do not appear only under the form of mental illness, which is quite easy to recognize; with the ability to feel the metaphysical and spiritual energies, “false mental illnesses” are recognized easily by H.U.E. Students; “false mental illness” is the specific term of H.U.E. which is used to indicate the sicknesses which have deep, mysterious, metaphysical and spiritual causes; the disease can appear under many different forms, appear in any organ, any part of the body such as heart, liver, head, neck, stomach, etc; sometimes the sickness is not grave, sometimes it is serious, sometimes it is critical, and normally medical examinations could not find its causes, therefore could not find any way to treat it, could not find any medicine for treatment.

Some concrete examples: the first example is the case of a patient who had     spinal problem, the patient could not move his back, he could not sit, lie down, walk or stand, but he still could move his hands, his feet, this is a paradox of medicine, the results of medical examination showed that the spinal column, spinal cord were normal, no sign of disease or damage. Doctors could not find the cause of illness, therefore could not treat this patient. The second example is the case of a patient whose hands could not moved, but the patient was not paralyzed, he only felt that his hands were powerless and not controlled by the brain, not working as the patient wanted them to; but the examination of the spine and nerve found nothing, the brain was normal, this is another paradox of medicine, therefore the doctors could not propose any method of treatment.

Another example is a patient with a distended stomach and suffered great pain, but all medical examinations could not find any damage to the internal organs: stomach, intestines, liver, etc, everything was normal and no sign of illness, therefore doctors could not suggest any method of treatment. Another example, a patient lost sleep badly and constantly causing serious disorder inside the body, derangement of mind, confused mind, no medical examination could find the cause, normal sleeping pills were useless, strong sleeping pills could only have short and limited effect with damaging side effects, doctors could not find any method of treatment.

No matter what form “false mental illnesses” appear, they all have a common point: their causes can not be found, and therefore no method of treatment may be proposed; the illnesses usually last for quite sometime, tormenting both patients and their relatives, or causing suffering, or triggering great lost of money, medicines for nothing. It would be extremely happy if those patients of difficult-to-cure diseases are suddenly free of illness without going through any treatment by any normal medicine at all, they need only to attend a few H.U.E. classes, to have their Chakras opened 100%, practice yoga, practice meditation, or they are treated by a certain H.U.E. student or they just meet Master Dang once. Many people have become H.U.E. students; believe in the abilities and benefits of H.U.E., after them themselves or their relatives, their friends were treated successfully strange and difficult-to-cure diseases by H.U.E. or Master Dang.

We would like to share with you experiences on the treatment of those strange, difficult-to-cure diseases by talking about some typical cases: a patient came to H.U.E. with a severely unmovable neck which could not support his head, the hospital solved the problem by wrapping the neck rigidly to hold the head steady, this was only a temporary solution but it could not do any thing else, it could not heal the neck because no real cause could be found, the neck bone was normal, no diagnosis was possible, but in only 5 minutes treated by H.U.E., the patient’s neck was healed, returned to normal.

Another case of a patient with astigmatism for 20 years, seeing numerous different images from just one object, the eye examinations by medical means could not find the cause of astigmatism, therefore no treatment was suggested, but when the patient came to H.U.E., after 5 minutes of treatment using metaphysical and spiritual energy, the patient’s eyes were healed, back to normal, no more astigmatism.

We would like to cite another case, a patient with severe and chronic asthma, so severe that apart from medicines, the patient also had to bring along an oxygen cylinder in case a severe asthma attack occurred, all the medicines, medical facilities, although very modern but could only stop this patient’s asthma attacks and could not cure the asthma completely. By chance, this patient was treated by a H.U.E. student using universal energy and just after one treatment, the patient no longer has asthma and has been healed completely, no sign of recurrence has been seen for the last 5 years, he no longer needs medicines or oxygen cylinder, not only he stops suffering but his family is also very happy, very joyful.

The above case is the only case of a chronic asthma patient cured by H.U.E., this does not mean any asthma case can be healed by H.U.E; it should be noted that asthma is caused by many different reasons, some are material ones, others are spiritual ones. We would like to remind you and emphasize that not all asthma cases are “false mental illnesses”, patients must be examined medically and diagnosed completely before undergo treatment, if asthma is due to metaphysical, mysterious causes, it can only be healed by H.U.E. special abilities, ordinary medicines can hardly treat it.

Normal asthma, caused by the allergy of lung and respiratory system, must be treated by medicines to stop the asthma attack; on the other hand, asthma patients should try to avoid the environment and materials which cause their allergy. Dust, pollen, polluted air, etc are the normal causes of asthma and other respiratory diseases, patients should try to avoid those causes and should not attempt to search for medicines or for treatment by H.U.E...

In principle, H.U.E. has the abilities to heal many different diseases including asthma, it can treat asthma caused metaphysical, mysterious sources and even asthma caused by normal reasons: lung allergies, respiratory system allergies. Asthma with spiritual causes seem critical but can be healed quickly, for asthma caused by allergies, the important thing is that patients should avoid allergic materials and environment. The H.U.E. principle of treatment for asthma due to allergies is using “Universal Energy” in scientific sense, or “Latent Abilities of Human Beings” in philosophical sense of Advanced H.U.E. classes, or Metaphysical Spiritual Energies of H.U.E. spiritual classes, we specifically called it the “Control of cell souls, of nerve souls”; those ideas, concepts are rather new and strange to a lot of people, but they are the subjects noticed and studied by the most outstanding scientists.

On the allergy of body and the neutralization of body allergy, we must note that we cannot and we should not eliminate absolutely all the body allergies, only the unnecessary ones; the reason for it is in many cases, body allergies are beneficial and necessary for human health, allergy is not completely bad, on the contrary, allergy is the defensive reaction of the human body to fight against the penetration of strange material bodies, materials; they are the reactions human cannot live without. In principle, Students, who had their Chakras opened 100%, practice regularly Yoga, meditation, will have the spiritual abilities to neutralize all unnecessary allergies; spirituality has the ability to differentiate what is necessary, what is not.

The more advanced H.U.E. classes students attend, the more abilities to synthesize materials, the more abilities to eliminate allergies students will have, not only they will be able to heal asthma but also other diseases thanks to those abilities of synthesis and neutralization, in reality, some have been successful, others need more learning, studying, implementing and practicing H.U.E.. H.U.E. not only has abilities to heal diseases of human physical body, but also has deeper, broader aims, objects; apart from our physical body health we all know and normally pay attention to, humans also have psychological health, spiritual health, etc, that we rarely attend to, not recognizing that they are also very important in our life.

Whenever we are sick, we usually go to see a doctor, look for medicines, without realizing that numerous diseases have psychological or spiritual causes, these diseases must be treated by psychological, spiritual means, not by drugs, medicines. Psychology and spirituality have some certain influence, effects on our physical body, cells, nerve, etc; they even can create some materials, the most concrete ones are hormones, all kind of hormones controlling the activities of body, from sleep to digestion, excretion, even love, sexual activities, etc. Psychology and spirituality has abilities to cause many diseases, from minor to critical ones, a lot of diseases cannot be treated by any drugs, medicines, but they must be treated by special methods that H.U.E. has been and will be studying, learning, implementing and practicing.

H.U.E. is a branch of studies paying great attention to psychological and spiritual factors, their important characteristics, influence on human life; two basic lessons of H.U.E. are “Enlightenment” and “Love”, Love is the psychological lesson, Enlightenment is the spiritual lesson, once we have correctly learned, understood, implemented and practiced these two basic lessons, we will have two invisible kinds of health which are psychological health and spiritual health, the factors human happiness cannot do without. The word Love in the name of H.U.E. not only means a feeling of human beings but also is the symbol of all human psychology, all the characteristics, influence of psychology, all human feelings, joy, sadness, elation, anger, etc. The word Enlightenment in the name of H.U.E. is not used to show any sole meaning but it is the symbol of all aspects, all areas, and the symbol of all metaphysical factors relating to and affecting human beings, collectively called Spirituality.

Psychology and spirituality always are the principal topics and essence of H.U.E. classes taught by Master Dang, but we must constantly conceive and always be aware that these lessons are scattering in every single answer of Master Dang to the questions of students; in one answer, Master Dang lectures on psychology, in other answer, Master Dang talks about spirituality. An answer from Master Dang to a student’s question is not only a lesson for that student, but also can be and usually is a lesson for other students. If we listen carefully and learn purposely, we will recognize numerous lessons on psychology and spirituality in any classes taught by Master Dang, many lessons that are useful and beneficial to individual, family, society, and numerous lessons that would bring things we always dream of: happiness, happiness in love, happiness in health, mental happiness, etc.

As a matter of fact, H.U.E. not only has healing lessons, in any H.U.E. classes we can actually see many questions not on sickness healing, there are many questions on psychology; students not only have worries, anxieties on sickness, diseases, but the majority of worries, anxieties are on suffering, sorrow, anger, jealousy, etc. Each student’s question was gladly answered by Master Dang, an answer for a particular student but a common lesson for everybody; similar questions could get different answers, different lessons; the reason for it is different places, differences in time, situations, objects, students of different fundamental abilities and levels will need different lessons, different adaptations, different applications. Master Dang has said: ”The Truth changes”, therefore we must always be flexible in learning as well in practicing, “relativity” is a very important lesson in H.U.E., this lesson has numerous benefits, numerous applications, extremely necessary for our quest for happiness, regardless of any kind of happiness.

Student’s questions on Spirituality are normally raised in H.U.E. classes; the more
Sicknesses, the more diseases people have and the closer to death people are, the more thoughts, worries and anxieties on spirituality they will have. The older, the more ailing, disease plagued, the closer to death people are, the more people would think about the next lives and the greater attention they would pay to metaphysical and spiritual matters, the more they would reflect on the High Divine Beings that normally, they seldom think about; most of people only ponder on Christ, Buddha, God, etc whenever they suffer, but when they are happy they only think about themselves, not anyone else, not even about the invisible High Divine Beings. Spiritual matters are normally difficult, high-level, what more they are metaphysical matters; therefore only advanced H.U.E. classes officially have topics on Spirituality. Spiritual subject matters demand students to have high fundamental abilities, high spiritual levels in order to listen to them, understand them, or discuss them,

In reality, not many students have high fundamental abilities, high spiritual levels, hence Master Dang usually chooses to teach spirituality to students by the direct method, the specific H.U.E. term for this method is : ”to transfer energy”, the metaphysical and spiritual energies. Master Dang normally teaches lessons on Spirituality by metaphysical energy band waves, not by human languages; therefore, there are many students speaking different languages can willingly attend H.U.E. classes; they need only to receive “energy” from Master Dang and are not required to understand the teachings of Master Dang.

As the result of fully understanding of H.U.E. spiritual lessons, students will have abilities of Enlightenment, the main object of H.U.E... We can see the spiritual abilities through the teaching capabilities of Master Dang in H.U.E. classes, through Master Dang ability to understand, instantly and fully, the thought of students, through Master Dang ability to answer, immediately and completely, every query, every question asked by students, regardless of the question, no matter in what area or from any student.

Master Dang always wants to transfer to students this marvelous and super-class spiritual ability, the true meaning of the word “Enlightenment”, the natural knowledge ability which needs no learning, no studying, no text books, no writings, and no language. Master Dang used to talk about the knowledge outside all the books, outside the cultures of mankind societies; it is this very “knowledge of enlightenment”. Master Dang also frequently mentions the ability of “reading a book in 1 minute or 1 second”, the ability of “answering correctly other people questions without thinking”, learning H.U.E. is learning this very special ability. These are the “latent abilities of human beings” that H.U.E. has put forward; these latent abilities are within our reach, not day-dream, they are the principal and profound objectives of H.U.E., once these abilities have been obtained, we can solve the dilemmas of individual, family, society, country, including principal ones such as human happiness and suffering, suffering and happiness of individual, family, society, country, etc.

Bringing happiness to human is the greatest objective of H.U.E., but first of all, human miseries must be lessened, all kind of suffering, physical suffering, emotional suffering, mental suffering, etc; those are the noble tasks of Master Dang and H.U.E. students trained by Master Dang, in general, it is the task of Saving mankind from sufferings, the task of “self-cultivation” according to the viewpoint of Master Dang an H.U.E.. In reality, majority of mankind is suffering, incessantly suffering, H.U.E. needs only reducing human suffering, and then it has made great and beneficial contribution.

“Self-cultivation” according to the H.U.E. viewpoint is to carry out those practical and beneficial works, beneficial for individual, family, society, country. A H.U.E. Student always has spiritual abilities and opportunities to reduce suffering for oneself and for other people, for family, society, country, etc.; the spiritual abilities which can eliminate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual suffering, the spiritual abilities which can bring joy and happiness to everybody.

The higher classes H.U.E. Students attend, the more spiritual abilities, the stronger spiritual abilities they will have and the more opportunities they will have to bring good health, to create happiness, to heal sickness, diseases, to be free from suffering; the important thing is whether we can implement, practice what we have learned or not, whether we have love and implement love or not,  whether we have enlightenment and implement enlightenment or not; once we have had true Enlightenment and put into action sincere Love, it is certain that we will have much less suffering, we will have some happiness and meaning in human life, the present short life of the body and the future long life of the soul.

In reality, only a small number of people is happy while a majority of people is suffering, happiness is usually small, suffering is generally really big, happiness is normally negligible, suffering is usually sizeable; they are the every day tragedy of life. It is fortunate for us, H.U.E. Students, if we know how to learn, how to apply H.U.E. lessons on Psychology and Spirituality taught by Master Dang in daily life, we can reduce suffering greatly, physical suffering, mental suffering, spiritual suffering, etc; we can increase happiness, physical happiness, mental happiness, spiritual happiness, etc.

Lesson on Love, lesson on Enlightenment all can help us reducing suffering, searching for happiness; lesson on Truth, lesson on Relativity all can help us searching for happiness, reducing suffering. Combining and practicing basic H.U.E. lessons on Love, Enlightenment, Forgiveness, Compassion, Truth, Relativity, Spirituality, God, etc, we will obtain great benefits for our body, our spirit. Many thanks to a H.U.E. friend for just sending this marvelous thought: “Sharing suffering, suffering lessens, sharing happiness, happiness multiplies”, with H.U.E., we can change that marvelous thought into other fabulous thoughts: “Suffering with Wisdom, Enlightenment, suffering disappears, Happiness with Wisdom, Enlightenment, happiness appears”.

Many thanks to H.U.E., many thanks to Master Dang for having given us great benefits:  Energies and Abilities, Universal Energy and God’s Abilities, Spiritual Energies and Abilities of The Heaven Above, Energy of Love and Ability of Enlightenment; they certainly can reduce suffering, numerous kinds of human suffering, they can surely create happiness, numerous kinds of human happiness.

The important matter is the problems of each individual, the problems of thought and actions of each individual, the problem is whether we implement the teachings of Master Dang or not, whether we put into practice H.U.E. lessons or not, whether we have love or not , whether we have resentment or not, whether we have enlightenment or not, whether we have compassion or not, whether we have forgiveness or not, whether we have wisdom or not, etc, the causes and consequences of happiness and suffering.

Dr. Thai Tan Truyen
Translated by Dr Do Duy Lam

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